Bust is about 154 cm, the biggest breast women in the world certified as Guinness
BeforeBrazilian women whose chest implants are world recordWe introduced a woman who exceeded it even more. Her bust size that she was a leading actress in former porn movies is about 154 cm.
I do not know if it is sexy or not so far as I come here.
Details are as below.
World's largest fake breasts - Maxi Mounds - Telegraph
According to this page, Maxi Mounds living in New York who was certified as the Guinness Book of the world's largest breasts has a bust size of 60.5 inches (about 154 cm) and weighs 20 pounds (9 kg) each on the left and right.
This is Maxi Mounds.

After becoming a lap dancer in Florida in the 1990's, Mounds, who served as a leading actress in several porn movies, is breast enlarging the polypropylene thread in the chest and this thread causes inflammation That means that my heart is still growing now.
In addition, this polypropylene string was popular among people engaged in sex customs industry because it "can easily enlarge breasts", but now it is banned in the United Kingdom and the United States due to concern about safety.
I do not know exactly what motivated her this far, but is there a feeling that I want to stick to it because it is a woman ...?
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log