Historical discovery, thought it was a copper cup, it was an ancient golden cup
I realized that the cup that John Weber, who lives in the UK, got from my grandfather when he was a young girl is a cup made of only copper and actually is a cup of gold. What on earth is it such a cup?
Details are from the following.Grandson of rag and bone man discovers 'Indiana Jones' gold cup may be worth £ 500,000 | Mail Online
Mr. Weber thought that the glass that he got from his grandfather when he was a young boy was a copper cup and seemed to have left it as it was in the storage area, but thinking that if he is arranging his / her luggage for moving, it might be gold As a result of requesting experts to analyze, I found out that it was a golden cup made in the era of the Achaemenian dynasty Empire.
Pretty detailed parts are built in.
From another angle you can see that another person is drawn.
This gold cup seems to be auctioned on June 5. It is said that the expected winning bid price is about 100 million yen (500,000 UK dollars), but how much price can you afford at all?
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log