A button fear of a button feels like a cockroach button
Phobia which reacts remarkably to specific things and places. It is not good to climb high places if it is famousAltitude fearAnd when you see a sharp object such as a pencil it reactsTipophobiaThere seems to be a button phobia that feels horror in the buttons about clothes etc.
It seems to be a painful thing if it is a phobia only in things overflowing in the city.
Details are as below.Student is terrified of buttons The Sun HomePageNews
A 22 - year - old student in the UK, Gillian, is a button phobia, it seems that friends and family staying in the same room with buttoned buttons can not bear. It was at the age of seven that she first showed fear of the button, at that time I refused to wear a uniform blouse.
Mr. Gillian wears clothes that always have a zipper only because it makes a panic condition when you see the button. "It's particularly scary for lots of buttons, for me it's the same touching a cockroach that touches a button, I feel dirty, vulgar, harmful," she says.

Some people say that they do not believe in sickness but are believed to be joking. I heard that he tried hypnotherapy, but he heard he did not succeed.
One in 75,000 people with button phobia, the British National Phobia Association commented that "phobia often develops as a child, symptoms continue even in adults" .
There are quite a lot of people with button phobia in Japan, some buttons about clothes are fine but there seems to be some people who are afraid that they are out of state.
People who show abnormal reaction to "button" of clothes - tell me! Goo
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log