English will change from 'English' to 'Panglish' in the next 100 years
According to researchers, English disappears in the next 100 years,PanglishIt is said to be replaced by a global language called.
What on earth is Panglish? Details are as below.
English will turn into Panglish in 100 years - Telegraph
According to Dr. Edwin Duncan, an English historian at Towson University in Maryland, the meaning of a new word will arise as it is and dramatic changes will be brought about by people learning English as a second language Flue stuff.
According to the New Scientist magazine, it seems that English has already turned into a gentle regional dialect by people who do not speak English natively. By 2020, 2 billion people will speak English worldwide, of which 300 million people speak English natively. as a result,English·Spanish·Hindi·UrduandArabicThe same number of native speakers will appear in each case.
According to Wikipedia, the number of native speakers of each language at the present time is as follows.
· English: about 380 million
· Spanish: Approximately 330 million people
· Arabic: Approximately 365 million people
Urdu: Approximately 104 million people
· Hindi: Approximately 180 to 480 million people
By the way, at the present momentChineseThere are about 1.3 billion people, will they say that they are drastically decreasing in 2020 ...?
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse