Sony's PS3, manufacturing costs about half

Previously at GIGAZINEPS3 and Xbox 360 that reduction in manufacturing cost leads to victory or defeatWhile I mentioned the high manufacturing cost of PS3 as a problem, apparently Sony seems to have succeeded in halving manufacturing cost with PS3's new model.

Details are as below.
PS3 News: PlayStation 3 Production Costs Halved

According to this article,We sold 37,000 units on the first day of release of a new model in JapanIn addition, it is PS3 showing strong sales, such as sales of 1.2 million in North America during the vacation season, but the manufacturing cost, which was previously 800 dollars per car in the 40 GB model, is about half of the manufacturing cost (about 88,000 yen) It seems that it has dropped to 400 dollars (about 44,000 yen).

This was due to the fact that we were able to reduce the chip size and because we decided not to install the EE (Emotion Engine) + GS (Graphics Synthesizer) chipset that was compatible with the PS2 software in the new model, When the manufacturing cost declined steadily with this condition, it turned out that the loss was occurring every time it sells, it will become profitable in the sale of the PS3 body during 2008.

Is there a possibility that the price of the main unit may be lowered if it goes well?

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log