Actually use the remote control "TV-B-Gone" to turn off all television

There is a remarkable remote control "TV-B-Gone" that can power off almost all types of television. The aim is to forcibly turn off the power of the TV in order to use the time occupied by the TV meaninglessly for other things, but this is what we are doing at the CES 2008 venue We are editing the movie being executed by overseas headquarters Gizmodo staff and it is open to the public.

The suddenly disappearing monitor, the presenter etc. panic, furthermore it seems quite spectacular that all the things exhibited via the monitor will not function.

Playback is from the following.
Confessions: The Meanest Thing Gizmodo Did at CES

This time it was used to erase the TV at the CES venue this time.


Wired reports on the remote control specializing in erasing this television in 2004.

Any TV can be turned off immediately, the new remote control "TV-B-Gone" (top) | WIRED VISION

New TV remote control "TV-B-Gone" (below) where you can quickly erase any TV | WIRED VISION

Mr. Burke replies to criticism that it is not only irresponsibly wielding power. "I think I've heard about the various tactics that are attracting people's attention, but it is your own consciousness that is being targeted there. Someone will always invade your consciousness We should not allow acts like this, the television officials have figured out a clever way to bind us to the TV and make it impossible to escape. "

Of course it is possible not only to erase but also to turn on the power.

Furthermore, there seems to be even a super powerful Ultra version.

Ultra TV-B final weapon against television - Engadget Japanese

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse