Image showing how much Super Mario has evolved
It is a picture of one image evolving along with changes of the era rapidly from Mario when I was a long time dot picture.
Details are as below.
The Evolution of Mario - Gaming - Geekstir - News, videos & pictures in the World of Geekcraft
When thinking carefully, it seems like the image below if you do not get super mushrooms, so you can think of evolving from here.

What kind of Mario will ultimately come when you go this way ... ....
2008/01/05 0:46 Addendum
An image of Mario that is "2008" in the image, this is "Smash Bell Fist !!"It seems to be" Super Smash Bros. Smash Bros. X "scheduled to be released on January 24, 2008, on the site of the site. Below is the movie.
Nintendo Conference 2007 Fall Movie
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse