Happy New Year, this year GIGAZINE

With such a situation, when around 0:00 a.m. on January 1, mobile phone rushed "Akeumomeko and Yoro" mail, and outgoing call restriction etc is done, but in the case of au "Sending failed (110)But this is just an error code, so be careful not to call 110 by mistake.

The above image is golden rats made to decorate in the office of GIGAZINE. It seems that it is said that the year is gifted with money luck when turning golden zodiac figurine in the direction of Ehikata. Since this year's Hokusai is south-southeast, I plan to turn it in the direction of that.

Incidentally, New Year 's cards from GIGAZINE in FY 2008 are as follows.
Like this. I sent out people who exchanged business cards to the main, but since there were so many, there may be cases where they are missing.

Well then, thank you GIGAZINE this year too.

in Notice,   Column, Posted by darkhorse