Hell girl, it is confirmed to broadcast the third period

"Pierced by the darkness, pathetic shadow, hurting people, drowning, drowning in sin, soul of work ... one time, why do not you die?"Is a very impressive and famous animation, which was broadcasted from October 2005 for six months"Hell girl". As a second period because there was quite a popularity "Hell girl two baskets"Was also created and broadcasted from October 2006 for six months. furtherLive live TV dramaAlthough it had been done, it was finally decided that the sequel of the third period was made.

Details are as below.
Hell communication

Production decision of the third series of Hell Girls !!
Details will be announced later.

So, I do not know any details, but from the flow of the last episode of "Hell Girls Nogei" the last story, there are quite a lot of mysteries, so it seems like I do not know what it seems.

In the first stage, I repeat the golden pattern of fear, and in the second stage I am a great successor from the second half of the change ball, I am very excited about what I will do in the third phase of this time.

in Anime, Posted by darkhorse