I tried Tyrol choco "two bags of lucky bags"
Tyrole chocolate lucky bags were on sale at convenience stores so I bought it immediately and tried it. There were 12 Tyrolec chokes in the lucky bag, but two of them were extra.
Because I write "lucky" (difficult to obtain) on the table of lucky bags, is it very lucky that I could get it?
Details are as below.★ Tyrol Choco Co., Ltd. ★ Product information ★
Contents is like this
3 types of chocolate explanation
The calorie per bag is 360 kcal
Tyrol book. Those that gifts for people who purchased Tyrol choco officialbook and was released limitedly thereafter.
Tyrol book. There is a crispy texture
Charmy Kitty. Things that were not released due to various circumstances.
Charmy Kitty. There is a fluffy marshmallow.
Tokyo Tower. It sells only the opening room of the movie "Tokyo Tower" and the shop of Tokyo Tower.
Tokyo Tower. Taste reproduces Tyrol choco in the Showa 30's. It is a difficulty to stick to teeth.
Taste is Tyrole chocolate as image. However, it seems that it is difficult to get three kinds of Tyrol choco in this lucky bag as usual, so I could feel the premium feeling very much. It might be one item recommended for Tyrol chocolate mania.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log