95% of mail sent in 2007 is spam

According to a survey of over 50,000 customers worldwide, Barracuda Networks says that about 90-95% of the e-mails sent in 2007 were spam. Although it may be surprising results for those who are taking measures against spam, it seems that there are people who have few decent mails in the mailbox in the world.

Details are as below.Study 95 percent of all e-mail sent in 2007 was spam The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET Blogs

According to a survey conducted in 2006, about 85 to 90% is spam, and in 2004 when spam ban law was enacted in the United States, 70% was spam, and it seems that the proportion of spam is steadily increasing . In addition, 57% say that spam mail is the worst advertisement method, it is overwhelmingly larger than 31% of direct mails and 12% of TV shopping.

Barracuda Networks predicts that spam will jump to Thanksgiving, which is a holiday in the United States and Canada, and next, a large amount of spam will be on the New Year.

Dean Drako, CEO of Barracuda Networks, said: "Contests between spammers and security vendors continue uninterruptedly, security vendors now need to monitor the Internet 24 hours a day, As soon as it gets out, we can devise measures to deal with it within practically one hour. "

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log