Headline news on November 20, 2007

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 17:58 Nov 20, 2007, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Asahi Beverages from the "Bayer Cream Melting" series, more rich flavor can be enjoyed "Bayarese Melting Mango PremiumIt will be released on December 18 (Tue). The capacity is 350ml and the price is 160 yen including tax. It only bothers to add a premium and only uses apple mangoes with a rich flavor as a feature, and mango fruit is also used four times compared to conventional products. Recently a lot of premium goods are on sale even in tea, but will premium items of juice increase in future?

So, tomorrowNovember 21. In 1969, the public experiment of the original form of the Internet, ARPANET, began, and in 1970 the first shop of Nippon Kentucky Fried Chicken opened. In 1990 Nintendo released Super Nintendo. Besides being born in 1959, Hickson Gracie, the third son of Erio Gracie, the founder of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Bjork, a singer who is selling numerous albums throughout the world, was born in 1965, the fathers of the Nichiren sects Nichiren died in 1282.

Today's headline news.
Housewives and clerks use Yahoo! JAPAN, management uses Google / survey on use of search services Web personnel Forum Forum(Internet service, Yahoo! is overwhelming in Japan)

Slashdot Japan: Korean "net addiction" rehabilitation camp(Internet, will net addiction be cured in 12 days?)

Slashdot Japan: E-mail dedicated to seniors(Transfer from e-mail to SNS and chat)

Is not it thanks to copyright infringement that Nico Nico video succeeded? - Diary of Akasato(Net, the copyright problem is the fate of the net)

On the possibility that the flow of gold in Nico Nico Douga is reversed - live in the mountains(Net, the ranking certainly becomes a good advertisement)

Nico Nico Douga and Board - longlow's Diary(2 ch, I made use of business to business rather than ban the people gathering)

Flame Joy(Net, share inflammation information)

【Serial plan】 Create a legal music distribution site (5) - Kiyuu Kiyoshi's technology review Ver 2 [ITmedia Alternative · Blog](It can be said that most music works can be used if you pay music, even money)

Possible to listen to the video from the CD jacket at the store by hand - ─ ─ QR code used for the trial promotion - ITmedia + D Mobile(Internet service, convenient to watch casually)

A dark cloud on the realization of the dubbing 10 system, an argument over the private recording compensation compensation system to the fire species: ITpro(Copyright, were you discussing whether to adopt yet?)

J-CAST News: Moriya Scandal, Possibility of "Second Lockheed Incident" in "Anti-Corruption Law"(Case, does the US company conflict with the "Overseas Corruption Prevention Law?")

The average weekly wage of Manhattan residents is 310,000 yen, Top Excite news in the US(Over 1 million on work, monthly salary ...)

Truth counseling - Pediatrician / Mikio Nurano part 6(Health, I have already felt something nostalgic about Billy's Boot Camp)

MTI, Tatsuro Yamashita "Christmas Eve" Limited ring tone for free delivery(Mobile, that classic song for free this season)

New firmware of WX320K / WX320KR, Improvement of position information accuracy etc.(It can be updated by mobile, terminal alone)

More than 8,000 URLs including "iPhone", attacks targeting user input errors tend to increase(Security, URL manual entry is dangerous)

【Yajima PC Watch】 50,000 yen Christmas cake type USB Hub(Hardware, with 4 USB stick-like memories of strawberry)

Fujitsu, portable HDD with capacity of 300GB(Hardware, 300GB HDD fit in pocket)

NZ Student Develops Equipment to Cool Beer in 5 Minutes Excite News(Hardware, this is likely to be sold if commercialized)

Market size of e-books, doubling from the previous year to 18.2 billion yen News - CNET Japan(About 3 times for business, portable use for personal computers)

"Black cats are bad luck" is a superstition, an enlightenment event in Italy - Ameba News [Ameba news](Overseas, killings by citizens who believe in superstitions rampant)

Wired poster experiences non-killing weapon "Active Denial System" WIRED VISION(Weapons, sensations are popular with subjects)

SCE, PS3's latest firmware aimed at improved operational stability(Game, stability of operation when using PS 2 and PS 3 software, etc.)

A game in which "10 grains of rice" is donated to poor people when correctly answered 1 WIRED VISION(Game, game to answer meaning of English words)

Words that got too hot for the game: Alfalfa mosaic(Game, lot who can sympathize)

GameSpark - "Mii of a famous person you have not seen yet" TOP 25(Who made the game, Pikachu)

"Blessed Aquarion" and "Full Meta" free BB delivery up to 10 episodes(Anime, each episode 105 yen after episode 11)

Pizza Hut "Maria-sama gimmeiru" tie-up campaign is decided!(Animation, it seems that compatibility seems to be somewhat)

2D space: Although animation of this term feels a low bath & shower ratio, I tried it together.(Anime, Summary of the bath scene of this term)

Oira vern ver.2: Interview of the author of "Witch's Knight" champion RED is too amazing(Manga, it is so amazing that there is a possibility of story)

Livedoor news - "Fresh Fujiya's" Christmas PECO chan "appeared! Feel new(Notes, white Santa costume instead of red)

【2ch】 Nikkyo Thread Guide Hello Pro event at Osaka World Expo Park was a hell picture(Memo, use binoculars even at close range)

Erotic video editor's melancholy(Work, everything you do after all watching any video is the same)

"I want to call" feeling to become Muky! "Against the thing that my own disliked values ​​are affirmative from the majority group (っ ぽ い group) ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 - World's Horse(Words, if "Mai animation" spreads and is affirmed, will anti wearing anti-___ ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0

A strange photo taken at the university - something like hair growing(Schools and universities have their own culture formed)

Exhibit Exhibit at Chestnut Tree of Anne's Diary, Net Auction(Memo, it is not so expensive yet)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Mario at the bus window of the bus(Story, embodying common delusions)

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Telling the reason that there is no crocodile or giraffe in an animal(It is neither food nor secret treatment)

Chinese zoos, tiger cannibalistic cannibalism due to lack of food due to financial difficulties Excite news(Animals, how much did not you feed?)

Asahi.com: "The expiration date is too short?" Discussion begins within the government - Politics(It is difficult to determine when throwing away what is being displayed on food and expiration date)

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Headline news on Monday, November 19, 2007

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log