Actual photograph Hollywood movie "Dragon Ball Z" starts shooting in January next year

Currently Hollywood seems to be steadily developing "Dragon Ball Z" as a live-action film, but it seems that the shooting place and the director have finally decided. And it will start shooting from January next year.

Details are as below.
Dragon Ball Z to Shoot in Durango, Mexico -

According to this article, the 20 th century FOX decided to do 85% of the whole in Durango province of Mexico when filming the live-action movie "Dragon Ball Z". Director is a horror · suspense movie "Final DestinationJames Wong who was the director of the series.

And the reason that Durango province was chosen as a shooting place is that the needs of hotels, staff, transportation facilities, facilities, stunts, restaurants, etc. are satisfied, the set will be created during this month and 1 It is said that shooting will take place from Monday to March. Although it seems that a scene of volcano appears in the play, it is said that the shooting will be done at the volcano in Toluca State, Mexico.

By the way Dragon Ball has been filmed in Taiwan in the past and you can see the introduction on the following page.

Dragon ball live action version "Shin-nakamoru" Taiwan version: a Black Leaf

It seems that you can watch some on YouTube. It is supposed to be somewhat challenging.
YouTube - HmonG Dragon Ball Z

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log