A skirt that can be turned into a vending machine and sow a stalker

It would be useful if you could hide like a ninja quickly when attached to a stalker, but it is also difficult to hide easily. In such a case, if there is this skirt it will be possible to turn it into a vending machine immediately, so you may be able to sow a stalker. There are also other school bags that can be turned into fire extinguishers for children. Although there is somewhat discomfort, it may be unexpected if it is dark.

Details are as follows.
The New York Times> World> Slide Show> Urban Camouflage> Slide 1 of 10

An ordinary woman from anywhere.

When I expanded what I thought was a skirt, an illustration of a vending machine was drawn.

Disguise complete. It is difficult to understand if there are vending machines lined up in this way.

Fire extinguisher ...?

It seems that it was made by remodeling the school bag.

This is a manhole bag. It looks like a messy power.

in Art, Posted by logc_nt