Remote control that can control the opposite sex
If there is a remote control that can control a person, a fight between men and women may not exist, but I feel like I'm a bit scary as I will use it as soon as I desire.
Details are as below.
Never Fight Over the Remote Controls Again - Natural Products Worldwide
It actually sells for 4 euros (about 630 yen). Very fun idea products.
First, a controller that operates women. Give me is an order to get beer, sex and food. There seems to be orders such as cooking, cleaning, taking off clothes and leaving in the middle. At the end, you can adjust the size of the chest. It is covered with desire but I want to try it exactly as it is good.
The meaning of the button is as follows.
MUTE:mutePMS: Premenstrual syndrome
BEER:beerSEX: SexFOOD:rice
NAGGING: NastyMOANING: Complaints / dissatisfactionsWHINING: Whining
FORGIVEForgivenessFORGET: ForgetMOVE ON: Move
SAY NO: Say noREMOVE CLOTHES: Take off your clothesSAY YES: Say yes
COOK:cuisineCLEAN:clean upLEAVE: Leave
CALM DOWN: Calm downHURRY UP:hurry up
Next is a controller that operates men. Talk About is an order to talk about shopping and shoes. And there seems to be an order such as proposal, closing the lid of the toilet, massage in the middle. And at the end seems to be able to adjust the orgasm. This also seems to be pretty much covered with desire.
The meaning of the button is as follows.
SAY NO: Say noPROPOSE:proposeSAY YES: Say yes
TELL TRUTH: Tell the truthLISTEN: Listen
GET HINT: HintsMULTI-TASK: Multitasking
As a precaution, this remote control can not really operate, so be careful when you buy it.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log