An artist sailing the Elbe river with a huge origami ship

Frank Boelter of the artist floated on the Elbe river a ship made of huge paper of 170 square meters as part of the exhibition project "Until the end of the world".

It seems that the ship will not sink 40 days after floating on water.

Details are as below.
Im Papierboot die Elbe hinab

The paper used is used for milk cartons etc. Material cost is 190 euro (about 25,000 yen), production time is about 2 hours. It is said that the total length of the ship is 9 meters and the weight is 25 kilos.

Creation of a ship Scenery.

Children are helping.

It seems quite tough.

Artist sets sail in life-size paper boat the Daily Mail

Mr. Boelter said that he had an idea of ​​this ship when he tinkered with a milk carton that was empty at breakfast and made a small ship.

It really floats.

in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log