"Death and Taxes" which expresses in what yen the tax collected is collected

A wonderful poster that makes it possible to understand intuitively by expressing how much the US federal government's budget is used and how it is used as a circle has come to be seen on the net. It is made with Flash, enlarging / reducing / moving freely.

It seems to me well understood whether the members of parliamentary electoral elections have fulfilled their commitments properly and have budgeted according to the wishes of the voters. I really want someone to make a Japanese version ......

Browsing is from the following.
Death and Taxes: 2008

You can see by zooming in like this. I will spend my budget on Iraq.

This is also sold as a poster, the size is like this.

There are also pictures of the version projected on a big monitor, the power of the masterpiece.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse