Why is Apple's "Mac OS X Leopard" behind schedule?

Mac OS X is an OS released by Apple in 2001, and it is customary to name the name of a feline animal in the codename, respectively. Tiger of v10.4 is the latest version at the present time, v10.5 Leopard was scheduled to be released in early 2007, but postponed to the October release was announced due to the development priority of the iPhone . But there are other things too? Of course there are people who think.

Details are below.
The Joy of Tech comic ... laughter is the best tech support.

Seven reasons are introduced in the illustration for both illustrations.

1.Many Apple resourcesNew adBecause it is used intensively to make.

2.Because Apple 's employees are concentrating on their side jobs to buy an iPhone.

3.Because Leopard is a scale conspiracy like Apollo's lunar landing camouflage.

Four.Because programmers are wasting time playing on the iPhone.

Five.Someone hasTime MachineBecause I pressed the button of Leopard, the Leopard code has returned to what I had six months ago.

6.Because Apple became a copyright dispute with Klaus-Maffy-Weckman, Leopard Tank manufacturer.

7.Because Windows Vista was not a big deal, there is no need to hurry up.

3 can be laughed as "such a fool", but 7 seems to be consciously consented unexpectedly.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt