"Delutube" where you can watch deleted movies from YouTube
It seems that it is a surprising service that you can watch a YouTube movie deleted due to various circumstances. Apparently it does not seem to be 100% completely viewable, but being able to see the movies that have disappeared may be amazing.
The other dayYouTube and Google were accused of damages of 1 billion dollarsI took up that in GIGAZINE, but is it okay ...?
Details are as follows.
Delutube - The Deleted YouTube Video Viewer
使い方は該当するYouTubeの動画のURLの最後にあるID(例:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=this part) And click "View Video". If the deleted movie is saved, it seems to be able to watch.
like this.
It is a service you care about the end you go very much.
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log