Even if the car is subject to lightning strikes, it is okay, a movie that was actually experimented with people on board

There was a movie that conducted an experiment that tried to light up the car in BBC's popular program "Top Gear". While the thunder is ringing it says that the inside of the car is safe, but apparently this is true.

Besides, I will introduce some movies that light up in the car.

The playback of the movie is from the following.
Riding car rider is Richard Hammond. I am stretching. Lightning strikes are around 3:40.
YouTube - Top Gear: Car Lightning

It seems that it is OK as you can see. It is better not to touch the steering wheel, car accessories, car body.

Lightning striking the car antenna. It seems that the tire has also been punctured.
YouTube - Car Lightening Strike

Lightning strikes the hood while driving in the rain.
Lightning Strikes A Car - Google Video

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by logc_nt