A super masterpiece movie depicting a plot concerning 9.11 "LOOSE CHANGE 2ND EDITION"

It is said that terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 were self-made performances by the US government, and plotted by self-made self-service terrorism designed to make an excuse to dispatch against Cuba "Northwood strategy" The 9.11 incident was a conspiracy forcibly created to proceed with the reorganization of armaments rapidly by dispatching to the Middle East or forced to gain benefits through war. I have a narration in Japanese properly.

It is made up of what is said to be evidence of all the 9.11 related conspiracy theory so far, it is a masterpiece until about the first 8 minutes. The narration at the beginning also feels creepy and makes us feel the development of conspiracy.

Playback is from the following.
Loose Change Japanese nihongo 911 - Google Video

There is a total of 1 hour and 23 minutes, but just as I wrote earlier, just looking at the beginning 10 minutes is quite powerful, just combining existing materials and putting that narration in it I realize the power of editing that such things are finished. Content It is an interesting example in the meaning of "documentary method of stopping thought further by presenting materials that seems to be facts without giving viewers time to think" in the video media aside.

You can download trailers and versions that can be viewed with iPod on the following pages.

Loose change 2 Japanese version

So, as a matter of course, it is a natural consequence to ask the content of this movie about the truth and falsehood, and as a result, such a comment page is made in Japan.

Loose Change Appreciation Guide ~ About "Ruin the Lie of 911 Ruth Change · Second Edition" ~ (Introduction)

Who cares who created this movie? That.

USATODAY.com - Conspiracy film rewrites Sept. 11

Loose Change (video) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Director was 21-year-old Dylan Avery, also a 21-year-old producer, Korey Rowe who has experience in serving as well, and 25-year-old Jason Bermas who is also a graphic designer and official website. It is a movie produced by these three people. The official website is below.

Loose Change Website - Version 2.0

Whether there is no mistake in what the government says, or whether conspiracy should be revealed, in any case is a pretty good class as a story.

As for the conspiracy theory concerning this 9.11, a tremendous amount of data is summarized in overseas headquarters Wikipedia.

9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because the government announcement was a mess, the US mass media at the time was a hyperbolic coverage with a bias on the press with a tone from the government. Thanks to that, it was a situation that we had to go to the same English-language news website outside the home through the Internet at that time to get the information. For this reason, frequent visitors from overseas came to various Japanese media sites that reported about 9.11 without falsifying various information. Spurred the trend of "not being able to trust existing media" in the United States at this time has led to the prosperity of blogging, because of this 9.11 trends, political blog attracts attention in the American blog It was recognized as a sort of journalism and bloggers were also part of a journalist, that is, people who had originally existed amateurs, professional level interviewing ability, etc., or that the attendees attract attention at low cost using the net That's why.

Furthermore, even though it is a conspiracy theory, every conspiracy theory is not false, and there is also a conspiracy theory that was actually a fact. There is a place written about the "conspiracy theory" which was the fact below. A famous example is the Japanese kidnapping incident by North Korea.

Conspiracy theory - Wikipedia (3 facts "conspiracy theory")

Well, which of the 9.11 cases eventually was it a conspiracy or not?

in Video, Posted by darkhorse