Behind the scenes of Wikipedia "Wikipedia administrator"?

Previous articleSo as Wikipedia 's birthright secret story, by seeing the process, the fact that how Wikipedia has become able to become the current Wikipedia, from the precursor of Wikipedia "Nupedia" various opinions on the net By following a variety of things, I followed the circumstances.

Next is about the existence of "administrator" that supports this Wikipedia from behind. Wikipedia is by no means written and edited all the time and it is not maintaining quality with it, and there are a few people who support it behind the scenes to maintain that quality.

Let's see that around this time.
First of all, this is the administrator.

Wikipedia: Administrator - Wikipedia

How can I become an administrator is as follows.

In the current Wikipedia rule, we have been updating Wikipedia for a while, user names are known to a certain extent, and anyone can become an administrator unless there is a particular opposition in the community.

There are quite a variety of possible contents,Protecting pages·Deleting and restoring pages·Page reversal·Concealment of vandalism·Prohibit posting and cancellation· There are changes in notes on the bottom of the editing screen.

Currently there are 56 managers in the Japanese version.

Active administrator

List of registered users - Wikipedia

In addition, there are five administrators who have higher authority of "bureaucrat" among these 56 people.

Wikipedia: Bureaucrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As authority, make other users an administrator · Make administrator a bureaucrat · Change the user's account name · Grant / revoke bot status · Exercise of administrator's authority.

The following manuals are also prepared for administrators about what to concrete and what criteria to judge. It is quite interesting. It also describes deletion, immediate deletion, semi-protection policy and so on.

Wikipedia: Administrator's Guide - Wikipedia

Help: Administrator's Manual - Wikipedia

Wikipedia: List of documents the administrator should know - Wikipedia

In addition, there is also authority to watch and search for self-made performances such as fraudulent voting using so-called multiple accounts and vandalism caused by self-made and self-made editing by using both registered users and anonymous users properly. That is "CheckUser".

Wikipedia: CheckUser's policy - Wikipedia

CheckUser Policy / Ja - Meta

It is a powerful authority that you can see the IP address of the remote host that a user used for posting and the edits made from a specific IP address regardless of whether or not you were logged in. There seems to be six people in Japan.

Also, although it is not an authority, there is the original naming of "Bot" as a bot used to maintain the quality of Wikipedia. In short, it automatically edits Wikipedia.

Wikipedia: Bot - Wikipedia

There is a bot that is easy to understand and has a bot that works when the date changes and updates "Today is what day" etc.

User: Chibote - Wikipedia

And, "steward" has the right to take over all these powers.

Steward - Meta

In Japan alone this person is a steward. This person is often introduced in news etc. as "Wikipedia Japanese version representative" or "Wikipedia administrator". It is the person who is located at the highest, vertex in the management hierarchy in Wikipedia. After all I need such a person.

User: Suisui - Meta

In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a leader in the community of "Wikipedia" management. With this Wikipedia management community, if you are doing various edits, you will be able to run for administrators. People who want to manage Wikipedia are a must read.

Wikipedia: Candidate for administrator - Wikipedia

Even though it is just this famous Wikipedia, there are only 56 Japanese managers at this time, so it may be that you write "Wikipedia administrator privilege possession" in the resume when becoming an administrator and getting a job not. It may be a certain evaluation if the other person is in charge of understanding personnel affairs.

Also, even if you do not become an administrator, you can ask the administrator to do something that only the administrator can do instead.

Wikipedia: Request for administrator - Wikipedia

In this way, you can easily understand how much effort is spared to maintain the quality of Wikipedia simply by looking at it. Because I do such things free of charge, there is nothing I can say.

In addition, if you want to know more about Wikipedia's behind-the-scenes, it is recommended to participate in the following mailing lists.

Wikipedia: Mailing List - Wikipedia

I also have IRC so I can chat with other users.

Wikipedia: Chat - Wikipedia

The last thing to pick up is a record of a fierce battle between Wikipedia administrator and vandalism. In the movie "Ghost in the river," there was a "doll use", but it is a record of the impact that Wikipedia really uses that puppet.

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Battle with vandalism of Wikipedia "56 managers vs dolls used" - GIGAZINE

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