Official online shop where you can buy Google goods "Google Store"

The other day,People who contribute more than a certain amount with Google AdSense receive Christmas gifts from GoogleAlthough I wrote the article that, in fact, there is an official online shop on Google and you can purchase Google goods containing various original logos.

Let's see what kinds of items are sold at once.

Details are as below.
Google Store

What I sell is, first, various Lava lamps. It is always the one that comes out with the picture of Google's reception etc. I sell it at Loft or Tokyu Hands.

20 oz. LAVA Lamp

There is also a bag.

Google Sound Bag

Socks and so on. I think for a moment whether the name "Google Socks" is something like that Socks line ... ....

Google Socks

There is also a collar for dogs. Certainly Google is OK even if you keep a dog inside the company, so is it connected?

Dog Collar Large

USB memory is also available.

128MB USB Drive

You also have Google notes.

Searching for Inspiration Spiral Notebook

There are so many other mountains, so why buy a product that wants Google goods? It might still be in time for Christmas gifts from now.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log