GIGAZINE was posted on the 25 th anniversary issue of DaCaPo

GIGAZINE is introducing "Web 2.0 changes the form of culture" in "Basics of understanding the news" in Da Capo 596 (issue commemorating the 25th anniversary) released on November 15, 2006Da CapoThe contents which responded to the interview are posted.

Details are as follows.
The posting page is P.72

Actually it is not limited to this time but what I often hear is "Why did GIGAZINE suddenly rise in page view so far?", But since I simply made it a blog format, there is no clause to think of other than so…….

Finally, the advertisement medium material which was a long-awaited matter of concern was completed. Whether it is a game whether to take orbit in the coming years is whether it is a game or not.

Then we are running a server relocation plan. As soon as it is confirmed that smooth transition can be made, should I switch to a new server from the server where the current load measure finally reached the limit? Eventually we have a wonderful ambition to consolidate blade servers by virtualization, distribute resources timely while keeping power consumption down and put it in our own data center, but it is around the end of this century Wonder ... (far eyes)

in Column, Posted by darkhorse_log