Dining at 50 meters in the air full of openness
It is a service that lifts the whole table that can sit up to 22 people using a crane up to the height of building 15 floors at maximum. People sitting are only fixed by seatbelts and there are no walls or windows in the surroundings so it seems that they can taste quite a bit of thrill, unlike meals on the observation deck.
Videos and fees actually lifted are from the following.
Even without being afraid of heights, it looks scary.
YouTube - Dinner in the sky
Here is the official website where you can also see high-quality videos.
Dinner in the Sky
My feet are like this.
The price list is like this.
| Www.dinnerinthesky.com | - 'DINING at 50 m high'(PDF: 238 KB)
In the case of the basic 8 hour service, the lending fee of the transportation personnel of the table, crane, equipment and security staff is 7,900 euros (about 1.2 million yen), the preliminary inspection of the venue and the charge for carrying the crane etc. there to 750 Euro (about 110,000 yen). It seems that they will also perform optional lifting of acoustic equipment and selection of venues.
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in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log