Volkswagen 'Factory of Glass', approaching its full appearance

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 20:55 Nov 05, 2006, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Volkswagen is a famous German automobile company that produces "Volkswagen", "Audi", "Lamborghini", etc. as its name suggests, but the factory in Germany's Dresden exactly came out in SF movies It is famous for its near future futuristic appearance.

It is called "Grezerne Manufacutua (glass factory)", unlike an ordinary automobile factory, it does not emit flue gas or liquid waste, all the walls are glazed. Production volume per day is only 40 units. It is a very luxurious factory.

Further details and photos of Odoroki are from the following.

This is the inside picture of the "glass factory". I make it on the assumption that it will be seen. I can not believe it, but it is a real factory.

VWvortex Forums: A Photo Tour of the Transparent Factory in Dresden(Part 1)

VWvortex Forums: A Photo Tour of the Transparent Factory in Dresden(Part 2)

Why is it supposed to be such a prerequisite because we are delivering cargo to customers here as well. Therefore, there are restaurants, lounges and various shops in this factory.

Externals and photos of restaurants can be seen from the following.

VWvortex Forums: Phaeton Owner GTG - Dresden, Germany May 20, 21, 2005

It also corresponds to an order model, and it is supposed to be able to decide it finely while looking at a real car with a dedicated salon.

There is a picture of how the salon was taken.

VW vortex Forums: VW Individual Atelier at the Transparent Factory in Dresden

The following blog is detailed about the car that I make here.

Automobiles · Motorcycles - Premium car ism concierge: Makoto Kawaguchi: VW Phaeton - VW Flagship not released in Japan -

For this factory, there is an explanation on the official website of Volkswagen once. After viewing the page below, you can see the explanation of the factory by selecting the language "english" from the menu in the lower left and selecting "FACTORY".


in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log