A self-propelled vehicle of 240 meters in the world "Bucket Wheel Excavator"
It is the world's largest open-ended huge drilling machine, and it is still in service and still in operation. Construction started in 1980, and it was completed five years later. Total construction cost 13 billion yen, total length 240 meters (more than twice the size of Ideon).
I can not navigate by one person, five pilots are needed, 24 hours full operation. So, it has a toilet and a kitchen in it. The moving speed is 10 meters per minute.
By the way, because it is too big, it is also included in Google Maps. Other photos are also from below.
Www.americatopten.com: Largest Earth Mover in the World
Big Machine Identified | Gadgetopia
An enlarged photograph of the part scratching off is like this.
Bucket Wheel Excavators .................
Extreme Excavators ...................
Everything can not fit unless it is panoramic.
060428 - bagger 288 - garzweiler.jpg (JPEG image, 5236 x 1693 px)
Night also moves.
Rheinbraun Bagger
You can also see it on Google Maps.
Garzweiler, germany - Google Maps(Part 1)
Garzweiler, germany - Google Maps(Part 2)
It seems famous all over the world because it is enough to be a stamp.
No. 1217: Giant Earth-Movers
There is also a small version of this machine.
TAKRAF GmbH - Bucket Wheel Excavators
Plastic models are huge at the same time.
Bucket Wheel Excavator
It is said that it will be as follows after completion.
Wikitrias ~ Answers in the World - Bucket Wheel Excavator - Bucket - Wikiterious
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in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log