Playable "Lemmings" made with DHTML

Since it was launched for Amiga in 1991, playing the old-fashioned masterpiece game "Lemmings" on PC-9801, X68000, FM-TOWNS, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Mega Drive, PlayStation, Sega Saturn etc. on the browser I can do it. The latest work is surely released for PSP.

If you leave it alone, I ordered the lemers who walked away one by one and ordered them to reach the goal. That's it, but it looks like walking down in a minute. I feel commitment around reproducing this as DHTML instead of Flash.

Play is from the following.
DHTML Lemmings by crisp - Menu
(I fixed it because the link was broken)

Since there are four levels, let's begin by choosing "FUN" for beginners

Click "Play!"

The first side looks like this

Lemm appears with straw. If you leave it as it is, you will just continue walking forever. I have to manage somehow ... ....

So, click on the command icon counted as "10" below and then click on any one of the lemmens, you are given an instruction to "dig a hole in the ground", dig a hole hard start. I will goal if I leave it behind.

After the goal it will be this kind of screen so if you select "Next Level" you will be on the next side.

This face can fall with fluffy and have a goal successfully if you have a umbrella. If you do not have a umbrella, you will only get caught up in a crowded position, if you leave it alone, it will show the aspect of group suicide.

Depending on the stage, there are cases where it is necessary to sacrifice a certain number of lemmings in order to reach the goal, and eventually you may have to click on the "suicide" icon at the far right. Then the countdown figures came out on top of the head and burst like pawn and fireworks. Because this surreal is a feature, in a sense.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log