"Tyrant Habazero Ghana's Secret Henry" and "Tyrant Habanero Tips of Chips"

Reading like a catch phrase, it says "It's black like you are in the belly of you!", "It's a perpeller like your life!" Surely a tyrant.

Both of them will be released nationwide from November 13, 2006, the anticipated selling price of "Tyrant Habanero Ghana Secret Hen" is around 100 yen, "Tyrant Habanero Tips of Chips" is around 130 yen.

Details of taste are as follows.
Tohato Corporation / Product Catalog / Habanero

This "Tyrant Habanero Ghana Hermitage Hen" is the third series of tyrant Habanero / world conquest following the fascinating Indian story which was released in the past, the color is black. Hidden taste is cacao. The taste is a combination of smoked pork and several kinds of vegetables, which combines the taste of black pepper and white pepper and the spicy of chili.

Another "tyrant habaneroro flaming chips" was in essence only chips. By thinly spreading potato dough into chips shape, once baked and then frying with oil, it seems to be a unique texture with light and mouthfeeling, with a good response to eating. I'm screaming "It's a perpeller like your life!", So it seems that it is considerably thinner.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log