I ate "chicken" and "cheese fondue" of potato chips

Potato Chips Crisp Variation "chicken" and "cheese fondue" were on sale so I tried it.

So, it was "chicken" that made a quite unusual taste, this is a rare taste worth to eat. What is amazing is that the scent of yakitori really does. That smell of that smoke burning Yakitori shop is also done. This is the editorial staff, Odoroki. This reproducibility is exhausted to a word of great. It surpasses all varieties of all potato chips up to now.

So I will report it.
Potato Chips Crisp Variation | Potato Land

Potato chips chicken | Potato chips

Potato chips cheese fondue | Potato land

The raw materials etc. of "chicken" are like this

The raw material of "cheese fondue" is like this

The left is "chicken" and the right is "cheese fondue". Obviously the color is different, but the scent is completely different.

Up of "Chicken"

Enlarged picture of "Cheese Fondue"

It is a pity that I can not convey this taste and smell via the net. "Chicken" has been considerably progressed in recent years. "Cheese fondue" is just as expected. It was a taste like extracting only the cheese of pizza potato.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log