I tried drinking "Bubble Man II Dengeki Soda"

Today released"Bubble Man II Electric Shock Soda"I bought it immediately. I tried drinking while throbbing because I do not know the taste until I tried everything in the Bubble Man series, but this time it was the taste of the strawberry ramune sweets. Although it is my personal opinion, the taste of Antarctica Soda and Space Flavor was delicious.

It was a bit unsatisfactory, so why not try to mix it with "Bubble Man II Antarctica Soda" why it was in the refrigerator somehow.

Details are as below.
I do not know what the microswatt and the newly developed crackling attack, but the carbonation was intense.

I do not understand the unit called bubble well. Bubble Man's Magazines"B-Style"Is it related to the currency unit "BAVO"?

Inside is a color like a strawberry syrup of shaved ice.

The left is Antarctica Soda and the right is Electric Soda Soda. As I think about juice, neither is a beautiful color.

Mix it up to a splendid purple. I feel like I am doing chemistry experiments as well.

So, when I mixed it it became a taste like a nutrition drink. It is somewhat strange taste. Although it is not unpleasant, it is not recommended much to mix, it is delicious if you drank each one alone.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log