How big is "Nissin Chicken Ramen Big Cup"?

Although "Nissin Chicken Ramen Big Cup" was released on August 15 (Mon) in commemoration of "Nissin Chicken Ramen" on the 25th anniversary of August 25, 1958, to celebrate its 47th anniversary How big is it compared to the usual "Nissin Chicken Ramen Cup"?

So, I bought both and tried eating compared. It was not simply a difference in quantity.
Nissin Foods: Product Information: New Product Information: Chicken Ramen Big Cup

First off from above. It looks like the size is quite different.

Next is from the side. For some reason, the print size of the normal version of chick is big.

Comparison by bottom area. As I got closer to the bottom, I felt as if I was going to squeeze, so I thought that there was not much difference, but it is quite a difference

In, contents. Normal version is full of eggs, big is a lot of chicken

Then, put hot water and wait for 3 minutes ...

In 3 minutes

Mix me ......

Normally the egg is conspicuous, fluffy and tasty

This is a lot of meat. Sucking the soup is pretty juicy finish. Less eggs.

The amount of the noodles themselves is also quite different, but the difference of the ingredients has a great influence on the texture. The feeling that the bigger one with solid chicken felt quite tummy makes me feel more satisfied, whether the number of chewing increases even while eating.

By the way the big size has one kore with 424 kcal. There are quite a few ... ....

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log