I tried to compare how deep the "Iemon dense" is
I tried to compare how deep the "Iemon Gokudetsu" released on July 18 (Tuesday) 2006 is, and color and taste with normal "Iemon".
As a result, I found a delicious way of drinking.
Right is deep, left is normal. Obviously the color is different.
Nothing that the darker one looks delicious looks
However, actually drinking it is quite dark. It's a bit of a sharp step forward. Because "Iemon" itself is quite tasty in the first place, this is too thick ....
However, blending the same amount of normal and thick dress and drinking it, it is really delicious! I'm sure that the next "Iemonemon" will be delivered on the order of "Iemon a little bit thick".
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log