Discover Stonehenge in Brazil

The above is the picture. It certainly looks like Stonehenge.

Speaking of Stonehenge is a circular stone located about 13 kilometers northwest of Salisbury, about 200 kilometers west of London's British, but what a similar thing was discovered in Brazil Thing.

BBC NEWS | Americas | 'Brazilian Stonehenge' discovered
It was found in Amapa Province in the north of Brazil and is composed of 127 huge stones in all and is thought to have played a role like a temple or astronomical observatory. Perhaps it seems to be working well at winter solstice. Moreover, it seems that there is a possibility that it was useful for harvesting and cultivating crops by observing the phases of stars and moons here.

Each stone is lined up at even intervals and standing straight vertically. It is obviously an artifact.

Dating from the pottery fragments discovered in the neighborhood, these are believed to have been made about 2000 years ago.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log