Movie playing Pitagora switch in PC game

There was a movie entitled "Incredible Machine" which reigned in the second place of YouTube's comprehensive access. This was a section called "Pitagora Switch" broadcasted by NHK Education, was to arrange various things and to enjoy a challenge to show a unique movement one by one by causing a chain reaction in the manner of defeating Domino.

The user who was fascinated by such Pitagora switch reproduced using the game editor of the game "Oblivion", but as expected it is all you want to do. The sword will collapse, the watermelon will roll, the human beings will fly and fly and it will be a collection of booby traps, and there are plenty of gimmicks that are impossible in the real Pitagora switch.

Access is from the following.
YouTube - Oblivion Domino Day

Also, there is a CM of HONDA as a similar example which was very famous in the past. I'm as tall as not imagining.

Albino Blacksheep - Flash / Honda Accord Ad

Also, something like animation making breakfast with something like this Pitagora switch.

Family Guy: The Breakfast Machine -

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log