Why is Lawson called Lawson?

It seems that "Lawson's milk store" originated. By the way this image is a logo of the time.

Lawson's History - Lawson

Lawson's name comes from Mr. J. J. Lawson, founder of Lawson Milk Company in the United States. Mr. Lawson was running a milk sales business in Ohio. Mr. Lawson 's delicious milk became popular in the neighborhood, and many customers came to come every morning. Eventually, as customers began to hear that they wanted to put bread and juice, miscellaneous goods etc. in addition to milk, and while responding to the request, the shops are "convenience stores (convenience stores)" It has evolved into.

By the way, Lawson 's brand color (blue) imagines the clear sky of Ohio, the birthplace of Lawson Milk Company.

The history of Lawson in Japan is as follows.

The history of Lawson in Japan begins with the establishment of Daiei Lawson Co., Ltd. in April 1975. In June of that year, Lawson 's No. 1 store opens in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Lawson 's main feature was the party foods. A large selection of delicatessen and other high-grade foods, counted 40 items only with processed meat such as ham or sausage. There are many unusual items in the air, and it seems that many customers bother to come by car from a distance.

By the way, that "kugen kun" seems to be five pieces 200 yen from the beginning of April 1986 release. Truly original convenience store.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log