The winning domain of "World Domain Cup" deciding new gTLD domain by entry is determined


GIGAZINEのURLは「」ですが、この「.net」の部分はジェネリックトップレベルドメイン(gTLD)と呼ばれ、長らく21種類に限定されていました。しかし、2008年6月にLiberalization of top level domain approvedIt was said that anyone can apply for free, in June 2009"World Domain Cup" where you can earn $ 10,000 in prize if you come up with a new popular domainHas started.

Approximately 11,000 (from 3,944 kinds of domains) entries from around the world including Japan, USA, USA, UK, Germany, France, China, Korea, etc. were submitted and today the winning domain was decided. What was the overwhelming popular domain that accounted for 44% of popular votes?

Details are as below.
Net users decide "World's first new gTLD contest" Result announcement - INTERLINK

There were over 10,000 entries in the World Domain Cup that began to determine the new gTLD domain. There are 3944 entries applied, from thereInternet associationToru Takahashi Vice President, GIGAZINE Editor-in-Chief, Blogger Representative'sCoodooMr.Ishihara MakakoMr. Final selection committee elected 15 domains. Lastly, public voting was done for these 15 domains.

As a result of the general voting, the winning domain became ".earth". About 3,400 votes, which is about 44% of the total number of general voting ballots, won about 3,300 votes and decided to win with overwhelming popularity since the vote began. From those who voted for ". Earth", comments such as "a global feeling is good", "comfortable for the Internet that runs the whole earth", "Domain is not global, dreaming of becoming the scale of the universe" " We anticipated a spectacular comment such as "anticipate the future living outside the earth".

By the way, the final rankings are as follows.

No. 1: .earth
No. 2: .inc
No. 3: .free
No. 4: .smile
No. 5: .one
No. 6: .art
No. 7: .moe
7th place: .site
No. 9: .book
No. 10: .anime
No. 11: .lol
# 12:. Game
No. 13:. Moon
No. 14: .media
No. 15: .bank

The 254 people who applied for ".earth" will receive a prize of 10,000 dollars (about 950,000 yen) and will pay 40 dollars (about 3,500 yen) per person. Also, when Interlink is approved as ".earth" registry and domain selling is started, the reward paid every time one domain is sold over the next ten years will also be distributed.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt