DNA study reveals that domestic cats, popular as pets, were introduced to China 1,400 years ago

Cats that are currently popular as pets are originally known as '
Leopard Cats Occupied Human Settlements in China for 3,500 years before the Arrival of Domestic cats in 600-900 CE around the Tang Dynasty - 2025.01.31.635809v1.full.pdf
(PDF file) https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2025.01.31.635809v1.full.pdf
Pet cats arrived in China via the Silk Road 1,400 years ago, ancient DNA study finds | Live Science

In China, bones of wildcats dating back about 5,400 years have been discovered at ruins in a rural area in northwestern Shaanxi Province, and it has been reported that humans and cats coexisted in settlements. However, it has not been clear when domestic cats were introduced to China, so the research team said, 'We need to fully understand when and how domestic cats were introduced to China.'
Therefore, a research team led by Shujin Luo, a senior researcher at the Institute of Genomic Diversity and Evolution at Peking University, analyzed the remains of 22 cats excavated from 14 archaeological sites. The research team first analyzed the sequences of nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA contained in the remains to identify which species of cat the remains belonged to. According to the research team, of the 22 remains excavated, 14 were the remains of domestic cats.
The team then radiocarbon dated the remains of the domestic cats they identified, finding that the oldest remains dated to 730 AD.
In addition, it was revealed that all of the mitochondrial DNA in the remains of the 14 domestic cats had a genetic signature called 'IV-B'. Comparison with previous research data showed that IV-B is also a genetic signature found in domestic cats kept in Dzhankent , Kazakhstan between 775 and 940 AD.

Based on these analysis results, the research team speculates that 'merchants and diplomats may have brought domestic cats to China as tribute via

'This is the largest and most comprehensive study of domestic cats living in close contact with humans in China,' Luo said. 'Collecting cat skeletal samples from China during this period was a huge challenge.'
'This research gives us valuable insight into how domestic cats arrived in China,' said Melinda Zeder, an archaeologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. 'Linking the introduction of domestic cats to the Silk Road is a very interesting perspective.'
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