Evidence that the origin of the domestic cat is the ancient China of 5300 years ago is found from rural villages in China

ByKenny (zoompict) Teo

When and where did the birth of Yeneco living as a pet all over the world alongside dogs come from? There is also the theory that "the theory of ancient Egyptian origin about 4000 years ago", and even older "an ancient Cypriot origin theory" about 8000 years ago. Meanwhile, the University of Washington announced that a bone bone was discovered indicating that a human and a cat had a symbiotic relationship from the place where there were ancient Chinese rural areas 5300 years ago.

Cat domestication traced to Chinese farmers 5, 300 years ago | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

Until now, it was not certain that "Where have everyman cattle domesticated and become domestic cattles?" Was unknown, but according to Professor Fiona Marshall who studies archeology at the University of Washington,ASUS skeleton of more than two cats were discovered by Songmei Hu of the Chinese investigation team of China, which could be direct evidence of the birth of Yeneco for the first time in the world from the place where ancient Chinese rural village was located 5300 years ago .

ByPierre Lesage

Radiocar dating method and isotope analysis using carbon and nitrogen were conducted on the skeleton of the found cat and it was found that he was eating rodents eating cultivated material. I also knew that one of the two cats was elderly, suggesting that they were drawn to rodents targeting the grain and at least taken food near the human village.


In addition, because storage holes of grain of the same age were designed to prevent rodents digging holes, it means that ancient farmers had problems with rodents, and cats were treated with rodents such as rats There is a possibility that you had kept it as a countermeasure of kind.

From recent DNA research, most of the 600 million cats in the world are "Near EastDerivedLibyan dragonflyIt is known that it is a descendant of the Libyan dragonfly, a subspecies of Libyan dressing cattle did not exist in the rural area of ​​China where the skeleton of the cat was discovered this time, so it can not be said that it is definite as proof of imitation origin However, if it is found that this cat is a descendant closer to the Libyan dragonfly derived from the Near East, it is thought that the domestic origin of Neenno origin becomes more certain.

ByHenry Stern

in Note,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log