I tried making a drink with 'Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Moderate / Sugar-Free' that you can mix with your favorite drink to enjoy your favorite taste

On Saturday, March 1, 2025, Nestle will release ' Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Moderate ' and ' Nescafe Espresso Base Sugar-Free ,' concentrated drinks that can be mixed with your favorite liquid to enjoy espresso-based drinks. The editorial department received the drinks early, so we tried them out to see what kind of drinks we could make.
Nescafe Espresso Base, a concentrated beverage that offers a new and free iced coffee experience, will be released on March 1st | Nestle Japan
Nescafe Espresso Base, a concentrated beverage that can be mixed with your favorite drink to create a new and free iced coffee experience, will be released on Saturday, March 1st
(PDF file) https://www.nestle.co.jp/sites/g/files/pydnoa331/files/2025-02/20250227_nescafe.pdf
'Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Modest' (left) is a light blue package, while 'Nescafe Espresso Base Sugar Free' (right) is a dark brown package.

First, try making a drink with 'Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Modest'. The content is 500 ml, and if you convert the amount needed to make one drink of about 180 ml to 33 ml, one plastic bottle will contain 15 cups.

The ingredients are coffee beans, sugar and sweeteners.

The calories per 100ml are 20kcal, and the calories per bottle are 100kcal. If you convert it to one glass of 33ml, it is about 6.6kcal.

One of the classic recipes for 'Nescafe Espresso Base' is 'Iced Americano', which is made by mixing it with plenty of ice and cold water. First, put plenty of ice in a glass and then add cold water. The official recipe calls for 120ml of water and 30ml of espresso base (water:espresso base = 4:1), but this time we adjusted the amounts to fit the size of the glass.
Then pour in the 'Nescafe Espresso Base - Less Sweet' and it's done.

I didn't mix it in any particular way, but perhaps because the glass was small, the water and espresso base mixed together naturally.

When I tried it, the coffee flavor with a crisp bitterness and the aroma of the beans was added with a hint of sweetness, resulting in a refreshing drink. When I added water and espresso base in a 4:1 ratio as per the recipe, the sweetness was slightly less than that of lightly sweetened canned coffee.

The second classic recipe is 'iced cafe latte' which is made with plenty of ice and your favorite milk. This time, we will make it with regular milk, but it is also recommended to make it with oat milk. Put ice and milk in a glass. The recipe also calls for 120ml of water and 30ml of espresso base, but I changed the amounts to suit the glass.

Pour in 'Nescafe Espresso Base, Less Sweet' and it's done.

When I tried it, I found that the strong coffee flavor was enveloped in the gentle flavor of milk, with a hint of sweetness. Because it is not too sweet, it is the perfect drink to have with breakfast or as a change of pace during work.

Next, make a drink using 'Nescafe Espresso Base Unsweetened'.

The only ingredient is coffee. Naturally, it contains no sugar or sweeteners.

Each bottle contains 19 calories, or 95 calories per serving. This is equivalent to about 6.3 calories per 33ml serving.

First, make an 'Iced Americano.' The recipe is the same as for 'Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Less,' just fill a glass with plenty of ice and cold water, then pour in 'Nescafe Espresso Base Unsweetened' in a 4:1 ratio.

When I actually drank it, the bitterness and aroma of the coffee was directly transmitted, making it a drink with a crisp, waking taste.

Next is the 'Iced Caffe Latte.' Put plenty of ice and 120ml of water in a glass, and pour in 30ml of 'Nescafe Espresso Base Unsweetened' to complete it.

Although this one is also wrapped in the mellow flavor of milk, the bitterness and richness of the coffee can be clearly felt. You can enjoy it by changing the amount of milk or adding sugar to suit your taste.

'Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Modest' and 'Nescafe Espresso Base Sugar Free' will be available for purchase at supermarkets nationwide from March 1, 2025 (Saturday), with a suggested retail price of 429 yen including tax. At the time of writing, pre-orders were also available on Amazon.co.jp, and the price was 10,316 yen (about 430 yen per bottle) for a set of 24 bottles.
Amazon | Nescafe Espresso Base Sweetness Less 500ml x 24 bottles, Iced Coffee, Concentrated, Diluted | Nescafe Bottled Coffee | Coffee Drinks Mail Order

Amazon | Nescafe Espresso Base Unsweetened 500ml x 24 bottles, iced coffee, concentrated, diluted | Nescafe bottled coffee | Coffee drink mail order

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