Research results show that 'time-restricted eating' that restricts eating time has two benefits for obesity

A dietary restriction method in which you eat only at certain times and do not take in any calories at other times is called ' time-restricted eating (TRE).' A research team led by Spanish sports scientist Manuel Dote Montero has published research results arguing that TRE has two benefits for obese people.

Effects of early, late and self-selected time-restricted eating on visceral adipose tissue and cardiometabolic health in participants with overweight or obesity: a randomized controlled trial | Nature Medicine

Study Reveals Intermittent Fasting Has 2 Key Benefits For People With Obesity : ScienceAlert

The research team studied 197 overweight or obese participants. They were aged between 30 and 60 and followed a Mediterranean diet that involves consuming vegetables, fruits, dairy products and legumes daily and received nutritional advice. They were divided into four groups with regard to the time of day when they ate: one group restricted their eating to an 8-hour window from morning to afternoon, one group restricted their eating to an 8-hour window from afternoon to evening, one group restricted their eating to an 8-hour window of their choice, and one control group with no time restrictions other than the Mediterranean diet.

The TRE group lost an average of 2.4 to 3.1 kilograms more weight than the control group. MRI scans showed no significant difference in the loss of visceral adipose tissue between the groups, but the group that restricted their food intake during the early hours of the day lost more subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Additionally, blood glucose monitoring data showed that those who restricted their food intake earlier in the day had improved regulation of their blood glucose levels when not eating and at night, suggesting that their bodies were managing their blood sugar in a healthier way. The research team hypothesized that finishing meals earlier in the day gave the body more time to properly process food and nutrients.

From this, the research team concluded that TRE has two benefits: 'additional weight loss effect' and 'improved metabolic function.'

The research team emphasizes that this study was conducted in Spain, a country with a distinctive dietary culture. More than half of the adults in Spain are classified as overweight or obese, and they eat throughout the day, from breakfast at 7-8 a.m. to dinner at 10 p.m. The research team argues that TRE is a 'safe, well-tolerated, and feasible approach' and could be a treatment option for overweight and obese adults.

The researchers reported that TRE 'has high compliance with minimal side effects and produces small weight losses and small improvements in cardiometabolic health,' but noted that further research is needed to determine its exact mechanism of action and potential side effects.

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1i_yk