North Korea-backed hackers stole at least $659 million worth of cryptocurrency in 2024

For North Korea, 'cryptocurrency theft' is

one of the important means of acquiring foreign currency . In 2024, it is believed that $659 million worth of cryptocurrency was stolen worldwide by hackers associated with North Korea, including illegal leakage from 'DMM Bitcoin.'

Joint Statement on Cryptocurrency Thefts by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Public-Private Collaboration - United States Department of State

US govt says North Korea stole over $659 million in crypto last year

North Korea stole over $659M in crypto heists during 2024, deployed fake job seekers | TechCrunch

A joint statement from the United States, Japan and South Korea said North Korea's cyber programs pose a significant threat to the integrity and stability of the international financial system and to the three countries and the broader international community.

It has been pointed out that the illegal leak of approximately 48.2 billion yen worth of Bitcoin from DMM Bitcoin in May 2024 was theft by North Korean hackers, and it has also been found that $50 million (approximately 7.87 billion yen) was stolen from Upbit, $50 million from Radiant Capital, and $16.13 million (approximately 2.54 billion yen) from Rain Management.

Japan and the FBI name North Korea as the one who stole bitcoins from DMM, a summary of North Korea's cryptocurrency heists to date - GIGAZINE

It was also officially confirmed that the theft of $235 million (approximately 37 billion yen) from India's largest cryptocurrency exchange, WazirX, was the work of North Korean hackers.

Analyst firm Chainalysis has said the damage could amount to more than double that figure, $1.34 billion, rather than $600 million.

There have been several reported cases of North Korean hackers infiltrating top companies as remote workers, and the U.S. government and others have called for caution, saying that 'confidential information may be leaked online.'

Investigation reveals that North Korean IT worker 'UNC5267' has infiltrated multiple 'Fortune 100' companies - GIGAZINE

in Note, Posted by logc_nt