GIGAZINE access analysis results for November 2024

This article is available only to paid members of the GIGAZINE Secret Club , but will be available to everyone until January 31, 2025.

Notice 1: We have fixed the issue where automatic posting to social media was not working properly when two or more articles were published at the same time.

Announcement 2: The latest chapters of the free full-color manga 'The Part-Time Life of a Hero and a Corporate Slave' and 'Let Me Make It! Ejima-san,' which are serialized on GIGAZINE, have been released.

[Free Manga] 'The Part-time Life of a Hero and a Corporate Slave' Episode 8 Part 2 'The Hero and the Corporate Slave Death March' What is the shocking outcome of the accelerated battle and work to save the world...? - GIGAZINE

Kuzuru travels between another world and modern Japan, working both as a hero and a corporate slave. He has grown as both a hero and a corporate slave through his dual jobs, but the two worlds have become too close and are now intertwined, bringing the world to the brink of collapse.
The final mission entrusted to Kuzuru. As a hero, he must defeat the demon king, and as a corporate slave, he must work hard to release the game title. Kuzuru sets out for the final battle, but...
Both heroes and corporate slaves continue to fight a never-ending battle.

[Free Manga] 'Let me make it! Ejima-san' Episode 3 'I'll make you think the real thing is better' The second half of the first date! Of course, the result of the hand-holding date is...? - GIGAZINE

Aya Ejima, a member of a game club at an art university, is troubled by a source of worry. Kaidou, a junior in the club, does not hide his feelings for Ejima, but is passionate about creating a romance game with Ejima as the heroine. Sometimes the content is even erotic...
Ejima doesn't like Kaido, who only dotes on the in-game 'Ejima-san,' so she tries every trick in the book to get him to notice her real self.
The second half of the first date between a man who wants to turn the woman of his dreams into a game and a woman who wants him to focus on her, not the game, sees the two of them get closer and more excited, but...

Announcement No. 3: Give GIGAZINE a helping hand! We are in a tough spot as our advertising revenues have been declining year by year. Please support us. We would appreciate it if you could send us various items from our Amazon wish list !

So, below are some useful data to help you advertise on GIGAZINE .

November 2024
Number of access requests: 161.68 million
Page views: 37.52 million (an increase of 500,000)
Number of unique users: 15.21 million (down 520,000)
Transfer volume: 13.869TB

*Measurements taken by Cloudflare.

Of the total transfer volume, images and other multimedia files accounted for approximately 11,409TB, while HTML, RSS, etc. accounted for approximately 2,460TB.

In addition, the number of articles created in November 2024 was 595.

Next, the top 10 most popular articles in November 2024. These are the results of an analysis by Google Analytics.

1st place: Is the answer to the 'chicken or egg' question now clear?

2nd place: Minecraft will open a theme park in the real world, scheduled to open in 2026-2027

3rd place: I took apart the official Raspberry Pi USB hub, which was developed because I was tired of the poor quality USB hubs on Amazon. It's very sturdy and can be charged without a host.

4th place: Research results: 'Even if monkeys kept typing on typewriters, they wouldn't be able to write the works of Shakespeare before the universe ends'

5th place: High school students develop 'Audio Decomposition,' an open source tool that breaks down music into musical instrument sounds and creates musical notation, from scratch

6th place: Why is the quality of Japanese software so low?

7th place: Kagi Translate, a free translation service with accuracy exceeding that of DeepL Translate and Google Translate, is now available

8th place: I tried the 'Horomiku Dokan and BBQ Curry (LEVEL 4)' that appeared at CoCo Ichibanya as part of the 'I Love Big Eats! Mochizuki-san' collaboration.

9th place: Research shows that walking with breaks burns up to 60% more calories than walking continuously

10th place: A 'LAN party house' built at a cost of hundreds of millions of yen is revealed

So, next we will look at the trends of GIGAZINE readers by browser they use, as follows.

1st place: Chrome : 53.28% (0.56% increase)
2nd place: Safari : 28.91% (1.05% decrease)
3rd place: Edge : 6.48% (0.15% increase)
4th place: Safari (in-app) : 4.14% (0.08% increase)
5th place: Firefox : 3.22% (0.01% decrease)
6th place: Android Webview : 0.27% (2.16% decrease)
7. Samsung Internet : 0.36% (up 0.05%)
8. Opera : 0.24% (no change)
9th place: Mozilla Compatible Agent : 0.10% (0.01% increase)
10th place: YaBrowser : 0.03% (0.02% increase)

Next, the top 10 sites that linked to GIGAZINE and brought the most traffic to GIGAZINE are as follows. Search engines are excluded.

1st place:

X (1st place last month)
2nd place: Google News (2nd place last month)
3rd place: Hatena Bookmark (3rd place last month)
4th place: SmartNews (4th place last month)
5th place: Facebook (5th place last month)
6th place: Global stock prices (6th place last month)
7th place: Livedoor News (7th place last month)
8th place: dmenu (not ranked last month)
9th place: BlueSky (8th place last month)
10th place: Feedly (9th last month)

Next, the top 10 phrases that led to GIGAZINE through searches are as follows.

1st place: gigazine
2nd place: No Man's Sky
3rd place: Solar Ark
4th place: Lawson Drinkable Mayonnaise
5th place: bluesky
6th place: Drinkable mayonnaise
7th place: Nintendo Network
8th place: Kagi Translate
9th place: Diglett
10th: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Finally, we are looking for requests for companies or people you would like us to interview, events you would like us to go to and report on, products or restaurants you would like us to review, or projects that are difficult for individuals to verify but that GIGAZINE might be able to do. Please use this contact form to send us any tips or suggestions related to articles. We also welcome information and press releases from individuals and companies through the contact form .

Also, if you point out an error in an article , it would be very helpful if you could provide the address of the source that supports the error, as this would make it easier to verify. Even if it's just a small typo, I would be very grateful if you could contact me with something like 'It says this here, but isn't it actually this?'

In addition, we would be happy if you could send us your thoughts on each article , so we hope you will continue to support GIGAZINE in the future.

in Notice,   , Posted by log1b_ok