Elon Musk discovers a way around the Brazilian ban on X (formerly Twitter)

Local media has reported that X (formerly Twitter), which was blocked from accessing the country by order of the Brazilian Supreme Court, is now available again. However, since the authorities have not yet lifted the blockage, it is unclear how long Brazilian users will be able to continue using X.

Is X available again in Brazil


Elon Musk's X Finds Way Around Brazil Ban and Goes Live Again for Many Users - The New York Times

ExTwitter's Brazil Ban Evasion: Cloudflare's CDN Becomes Latest Battleground | Techdirt

On September 18, 2024, Brazilian news media The Brazilian Report reported that some Brazilian users were able to log in to X and post posts without using a VPN.


UK Government

Some users who have been able to use X have reportedly reported that they can only access it from their smartphones, but not from their PCs (in contrast, a reporter from The Brazilian Report was able to log in from a PC, but not from his smartphone).

'We believe the reappearance of X-app is circumstantial and may be the result of a change in the IP addresses and servers X uses to communicate,' Thiago Ayub, technology director at Brazilian telecommunications company Sage Networks, said in a social media post.

X's revival in Brazil is believed to have been made possible by switching its services to those delivered via Cloudflare's content delivery network (CDN) .

Brazil's Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) told media that authorities have seen the change in X's behavior and are looking into ways to block it again.

It is unclear how long Brazilian users will be able to use X. Basilio Pérez, president of Abrint, an industry group representing Brazilian internet providers, said, 'Blocking Cloudflare would mean blocking half the internet, so it's not possible,' and pointed out that it will be difficult for Brazilian authorities to block X's services through Cloudflare for the time being.

According to Perez, Cloudflare supports more than 24 million websites, including those of the Brazilian government and banks. Finding a way to block X again would be a very complicated process, Perez said, and it would take several days or more.

Meanwhile, IT news blog Techdirt said, 'Some media outlets are reporting that X has 'outdone' Brazil, but I don't think that will last. The first order of Brazilian Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes clearly states that infrastructure providers at all levels must disconnect Brazilian IP addresses and X's services. Therefore, Cloudflare will soon receive, or has already received, a notice from the Brazilian Supreme Court to take some kind of action,' and expressed the view that even Cloudflare cannot continue to ignore the Supreme Court's order.

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks