General Motors lays off over 1,000 workers

Automaker General Motors (GM) is reviewing its software and services division and is laying off more than 1,000 employees worldwide.

GM lays off more than 1,000 salaried software and services employees

General Motors is trying to bounce back from the industry downturn by cutting costs and investing heavily in emerging markets like electric vehicles and automotive software, according to CNBC.

In the midst of this, it was revealed that the company was reviewing its internal structure to streamline operations, and that employees in its software and services divisions around the world were being laid off. General Motors did not disclose the number of employees to be laid off, but a person familiar with the matter, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that more than 1,000 employees were being laid off worldwide. General Motors is said to have had 76,000 employees as of the end of 2023.

General Motors' Software and Services division covers a wide range of areas, including infotainment , the OnStar in-car connectivity system, subscriptions and other vehicle features, and emerging areas such as development.

In response to CNBC, General Motors said, 'As we build our future, we must make simple, bold choices to prioritize investments that will have the greatest impact. As a result, we are reducing certain teams in our Software and Services division. We are grateful to the people who have helped establish a strong foundation for General Motors moving forward.'

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