The computer-controlled agricultural machine 'FarmBot' is 100% open source and can be freely expanded

FarmBot is a computer-controlled agricultural machine whose hardware blueprints and the software to run it are all open source and can be expanded by anyone as they like.

FarmBot | Open-Source CNC Farming

FarmBot - Take Back Control - YouTube

'The modern food production system is broken, giving individuals and communities no control over how food is produced, putting our health and the environment at risk.'

'It's time to take back control,' FarmBot says.

FarmBot is an agricultural machine that automatically produces food by handling all processes from sowing seeds to watering and harvesting.

Seeds are sown exactly where the user desires, and the crops they grow are watered the right amount based on variety, age, soil conditions, and more.

A camera is built into the arm.

It compares seed location data with crop growth conditions to detect and remove weeds.

You can operate it from a PC, smartphone, tablet, etc.

No coding is required; just use Farm Designer to decide which crops to plant and how to plant them each season, just like in a game.

You will also be provided with a guide to tell you what to plant in each season.

Even young or non-technical users can program FarmBot to care for their plants exactly how they want.

All parts are constructed from corrosion-resistant aluminum, stainless steel, and UV-resistant plastics, so it can operate in any environment, even indoors.

Even in a greenhouse.

Of course, outdoors too.

It's also 100% open source, with CAD data, software, and documentation

all available online , so anyone can freely design their own tools for any purpose.

Liberty University in the US created the grass cutting head.

There are also cases where the power source has been changed to solar power generation.

There have also been reported cases where it has been modified to work with planters.

FarmBot has shipped about 2,000 units to 75 countries. At the time of writing, the standard size 'FarmBot Genesis v1.7' was on sale for $2,795 (about 404,000 yen) instead of $2,995 (about 433,000 yen), and the larger size 'FarmBot Genesis XL v1.7' was on sale for $4,295 (about 621,000 yen) instead of $4,495 (about 650,000 yen).

FarmBot Kits

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logc_nt