Google announces Gemma 2 2B, a compact parameter size model based on the large-scale language model Gemma 2, ShieldGemma, which filters the input and output of AI models, and Gemma Scope, a model interpretation tool

Google announced the large-scale language model (LLM) '

Gemma 2 ' in June 2024. Gemma 2 was initially announced with two parameter sizes, 9 billion (9B) and 27 billion (27B), but the company has announced ' Gemma 2 2B ', which has a more compact parameter size than these but still provides superior performance, ' ShieldGemma ', which can filter the input and output of AI models based on Gemma 2 to protect users' safety, and ' Gemma Scope ', a model interpretation tool that can provide unparalleled insight into the inner workings of the model.

Smaller, Safer, More Transparent: Advancing Responsible AI with Gemma - Google Developers Blog

Gemma Scope: helping the safety community shed light on the inner workings of language models - Google DeepMind

Google releases Gemma 2 2B, ShieldGemma and Gemma Scope

Google DeepMind's new Gemma 2 model outperforms larger LLMs with fewer parameters

Google's tiny AI model 'Gemma 2 2B' challenges tech giants in surprising surprise | VentureBeat

Google releases new 'open' AI models with a focus on safety | TechCrunch

Google Expands Gemma 2 Family with New 2B Model, Safety Classifiers, and Interpretability Tools

Google Unveils Gemma 2 2B, Outperforms GPT-3.5-Turbo and Mixtral-8x7B

Google DeepMind launches 2B parameter Gemma 2 model

Gemma 2, announced by Google in June 2024, was released with parameter sizes of 9B and 27B. After its release, the larger 27B model ranked highest in the LMSYS Chatbot Arena , a crowdsourced open-source leaderboard that evaluates LLMs, and outperformed popular AI models with more than twice the parameter size in conversations with humans. In addition to this, Gemma 2 is built on a responsible AI foundation that prioritizes safety and accessibility.

To further develop these features of Gemma 2, Google has announced three new products as part of the Gemma 2 family.

Gemma 2 2B
'Gemma 2 2B' is the most compact and lightweight model among existing models, with a parameter size of 2 billion (2B). Google claims that Gemma 2 2B is able to demonstrate exceptional performance despite its compact size by learning from models with larger parameter sizes.

The graph below compares the scores of Gemma 2 2B, Mixtral 8x7b instruct v0.1 , GPT 3.5 Turbo 0314 , Llama 2 70b chat , and Gemma 1.1 7B it on the LMSYS Chatbot Arena. It has been demonstrated that it outperforms LLMs with larger parameter sizes. The scores used for the comparison were obtained on July 30, 2024.

Google lists the features of the Gemma 2 2B as follows:

- Outstanding performance
It offers best-in-class performance relative to parameter size, outperforming other open models in its category.

- Flexible and cost-effective deployment
Gemma 2 2B runs efficiently on a wide range of hardware, from edge devices and laptops to robust cloud deployments with

Vertex AI and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). In addition, it is optimized with NVIDIA's TensorRT-LLM library for improved speed, so it can be used on NVIDIA NIM . The optimizations are targeted at a variety of deployments, including data centers, clouds, local workstations, PCs, and edge devices, using NVIDIA RTX , NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPUs , and NVIDIA Jetson modules for edge AI. In addition, Gemma 2 2B seamlessly integrates with Keras, JAX, Hugging Face, NVIDIA NeMo, Ollama, Gemma.cpp, and MediaPipe (not yet supported at the time of writing), making development more efficient.

・Open access available
It's available under a commercially friendly license for research and commercial applications, and is compact enough to run on the free tier of Google Colab's T4 GPUs , making 'experimentation and development easier than ever,' Google boasts.

In addition, model weights for Gemma 2 2B are available for download from Kaggle , Hugging Face , and Vertex AI Model Garden , and you can also try them out in Google AI Studio .

Shield Gemma
Responsibly deploying open models and ensuring compelling, safe and inclusive AI output requires significant effort from developers and researchers. To assist developers in this process, ShieldGemma is a state-of-the-art safety classifier designed to detect and mitigate harmful content within the input and output of AI models. ShieldGemma targets four main areas of harm: hate speech, harassment, sexually explicit material and dangerous content.

These open classifiers complement the existing suite of safety classifiers in

the Responsible AI Toolkit, which includes a methodology for building classifiers tailored to specific policies with a limited number of data points, as well as existing Google Cloud pre-built classifiers provided via APIs.

・SOTA performance
Built on Gemma 2, ShieldGemma is the industry-leading safety classification tool.

Flexible size
ShieldGemma offers a variety of model sizes to meet diverse needs. The 2B model is best suited for online classification tasks, while the 9B and 27B models perform better in offline applications where latency is less of a concern. All sizes leverage NVIDIA speed optimizations to ensure efficient performance across hardware.

・Open and collaborative
The open nature of ShieldGemma will foster transparency and collaboration within the AI community and contribute to the future of safety standards for the machine learning industry.

Below are the scores for 'prompt calassification' and 'response classification' of multiple AI models, including ShieldGemma. A higher score indicates better performance. ShieldGemma (SG) Prompt and SG Response are datasets created by Google for testing, while OpenAI Mod and ToxicChat are external benchmark datasets.

Gemma Scope
Gemma Scope offers researchers and developers unprecedented transparency into the decision-making process of Gemma 2 models. Acting like a powerful microscope, Gemma Scope uses sparse autoencoders (SAEs) to zoom in on specific points within the model, making the inner workings of the model easier to interpret.

SAEs are specialized neural networks that help parse the dense, complex information processed by Gemma 2 and expand it into a form that is easier to analyze and understand. By studying these expanded views, researchers can gain valuable insights into how Gemma 2 identifies patterns, processes information, and ultimately makes predictions. Gemma Scope aims to help the AI research community discover ways to build more understandable, accountable, and trustworthy AI systems.

Google cites three groundbreaking features of Gemma Scope:

・Open SAEs
There are over 400 freely available SAEs covering all layers of Gemma 2 2B and 9B.

・Interactive demo
Neuronpedia allows you to explore the functionality of SAEs and analyze the behavior of your models without writing any code.

Easy to use repository
Code and examples for interfacing with SAEs and Gemma 2 are also provided.

in Software, Posted by logu_ii