Code Galaxies Visualization is a website that visualizes dependencies between libraries like a galaxy
Libraries are a collection of frequently used programming functions, and by utilizing various libraries, it is possible to build programs efficiently. However, such libraries often use the functions of other libraries to build complex dependencies. ' Code Galaxies Visualization ' is a site that visualizes the dependencies between libraries in the shape of a galaxy.
Code Galaxies Visualization
When you access the site, it looks like this. The libraries are organized by package manager. To try it out, click on the web app package manager 'Bower'.
A lot of stars were displayed. The camera operation method is described on the right side, and it seems that it can be operated with either mouse or keyboard.
Hovering over a star will display the name of the library, and clicking it will display in the bottom left 'the number of libraries created using that library' in green and 'the number of libraries that the library depends on' in red. Clicking it will allow you to see the names of the related libraries.
Also, very thin lines connect related libraries together.
When I pulled back the camera, several star clusters appeared, with two dots showing up prominently.
One of them is jquery, and the number of libraries that depend on jquery is 5252. The related libraries form a star cluster on the right.
The other was the application framework Angular, which also had a constellation of 4,818 dependencies on other libraries.
Some Libraries had no outside dependencies and formed their own star systems.
Bug reports and feedback are accepted on the GitHub repository .
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