Research firm predicts rise of AI will lead to 25% drop in site traffic from search engines by 2026

On May 22, 2024, Google announced that it would officially release a feature called

Search Generative Experience (SGE), which displays an overview of search results generated by AI, and make it available to all users living in the United States. SGE is expected to be rolled out to 1 billion users by the end of 2024, but technology research company Gartner predicts that 'the rise of generative AI will cause traffic to sites from search engines to decrease by about 25% by 2026.'

Gartner Predicts Search Engine Volume Will Drop 25% by 2026, Due to AI Chatbots and Other Virtual Agents

As Google AI search rolls out to more people, websites brace for carnage - The Washington Post

Google's broken link to the web

SGE, released by Google on May 22, 2024, is an AI that compiles information from the Internet in response to questions from users and presents natural answers. It was announced in October 2023 and tested on some users in the United States from March 2024.

Introducing 'Search Generative Experience' that can generate AI images from the Google search bar - GIGAZINE

'Human time is valuable, and if there's an opportunity to use technology to help people get answers to their questions and make that process more efficient, people will pursue that opportunity,' said Liz Reid, head of search at Google.

On the other hand, website publishers are expressing concern about the development of SGE.

Until now, publishers have gained traffic by users clicking on links that appear under search queries. However, with the advent of SGE, summaries obtained from these sites will be displayed to users, which will significantly reduce traffic. In fact, Gartner predicts that 'the rise of AI chatbots and other virtual agents will cause traffic from search engines to sites to decrease by approximately 25% by 2026.' In addition, Ross Hudgens, CEO of consulting firm Siege Media, said, 'Publishers will experience at least a 10-20% traffic decrease, and some publishers may record even greater traffic decreases.'

In addition, advertising service provider Raptive points out that SGE could cause the creator market to lose about $2 billion (about 310 billion yen) and some websites could lose up to two-thirds of their traffic.

'Generative AI solutions are replacing user queries run through traditional search engines and becoming alternative answer engines,' said Alan Antin, vice president of analytics at Gartner. 'This will force companies to rethink their marketing strategies as generative AI becomes embedded into every aspect of the business.'

Google CEO Sundar Pichai emphasized the company's AI-driven search capabilities and said that the impact on the ecosystem that Google has supported thus far will be minimal. Pichai told CNBC, a foreign media outlet, 'We don't think SGE will disrupt Google's existing business or publishers' businesses. As SGE usage increases, so does the traffic to sites. We are prioritizing our efforts to increase traffic to sites.'

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut