A taste review of 'Meiji Essel Super Cup Blueberry Yogurt Flavor,' which features a pleasant contrast between the light-flavored blueberry ice cream and the strongly sour blueberry sauce
On May 6, 2024, Meiji Essel Super Cup Blueberry Yogurt Flavor was released, which is a yogurt ice cream mixed with blueberry pulp. I got it at my local 7-Eleven, so I tried it.
Perfect for early summer! Enjoy a refreshing combination with 'Meiji Essel Super Cup Blueberry Yogurt Flavor' to be released nationwide on May 6th | 2024 | Press Releases and Announcements | Meiji Co., Ltd.
This is the package for 'Meiji Essel Super Cup Blueberry Yogurt Flavor.'
Currently popular products include starch syrup, dairy products, and blueberry sauce.
The calorie content is 295kcal per piece.
When you open the lid, blueberry-colored ice cream appears.
The flavor is centered on slightly sweet blueberry ice cream with a hint of vanilla, and the vanilla and blueberry flavors are not very prominent. As you eat it, hoping for more impact, the rich, sour blueberry sauce hits your tongue and adds a strong accent.
The suggested retail price for 'Meiji Essel Super Cup Blueberry Yogurt Flavor' is 172 yen including tax.
Amazon.co.jp sells a pack of 24 for 4,980 yen including tax.
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